Our production service partner, White Light have some top tips for you when organising a unique event: 

With event professionals wanting to create something unforgettable for their clients, more and more are wanting to make their events immersive. Immersive events allow attendees to really feel part of an occasion and are proven to increase engagement as well as brand-awareness and message absorption. So what makes a stand-out immersive event? Drawing from our own experiences at Central Hall Westminster, we’ve put together the following tips:

Tell a Story

If you want to make your guests care and feel involved in your event, then make sure it tells a story that has a clear beginning, middle and end. Think of a story that not only gets across the message of your event but also reinforces your brand. We’ve found that the simplest stories have the biggest impact; especially those that attendees can relate to. Stories should start from the moment guests enter a building and the ‘conclusion’ should reinforce whatever message you want them to take away from the event.

Use the Décor

One of most effective ways to create an immersive experience is by making attendees feel as if they’ve fully stepped into a different world. This can be achieved by lots of visual clues but, most effectively, by using décor. Décor can emphasise a certain theme and offer a form or structure for the ‘story’ you want your clients to embark on. Look out for elements of your chosen venue’s architecture which can be brought to life for maximum impact, such as the vast dome in our Great Hall, which offers a unique canvas for projection-mapped content.

Participants – Not Attendees

Make sure that your delegates are not just attending an event but feel part of it. You need to be generous with the amount of activity you offer them, and allow them to make decisions which inform their own immersive journey. You want to create the feeling that they are exploring somewhere new for the first time yet they are the ones deciding how to do so. An effective way to achieve this is to create different tactile environments and experiences throughout the venue’s various event spaces, which in turn helps enrich your story and further engage guests.

Nothing is too Small

And finally, don’t forget that to make something truly immersive, every aspect of an event must tie into the overall theme – and we mean everything! Whether it’s exterior lighting, name badges or directions throughout the venue, ensure you plan in advance and that your clients remain actively engrossed for the duration of the event. Don’t let small details that haven’t been addressed steal the spotlight of what is otherwise an unforgettable occasion.