Door opens: 18:30
Performance starts: 19:30

Duration of the performance is approximately 90 minutes with no interval.

Symphony “Kukai” is inspired by the life story of Master Kukai. Kukai (774 –835) is a founding figure in Japanese Culture. He took a treacherous journey to China in Tang dynasty and studied under Master Huiguo. He later became a symbol of cultural exchange between China and Japan.

The symphony is completed in 2023 to celebrate the 1250th anniversary of the birth of Kukai. The music is written by the renowned Chinese composer Zou Ye. In summer 2023, the company toured this piece with the Chinese Philharmonic Orchestra and Lanzhou Concert Hall Choir in Kyoto and Tokyo in Japan, and Lanzhou in China. The performances received widespread top-notch reviews in both countries.

In summer 2024, we look to bring this wonderful piece of music to London as its European premiere, working with Orpheus Sinfonia and choir groups from both UK and China.

Produced by the Beijing Tianguzhiyin Culture & Media Co. Ltd.

How to get here?

Central Hall Westminster

Storey’s Gate, Westminster, SW1H 9NH

Closest tube stations: Westminster or St James Park